Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to the challenge!

    2. A Video Tutorial on How to Use Thinkific

    3. Printable: A Quick Guide to RAIN-DROP

    1. R is for Recognition

    2. Why name and understand your emotions and feelings?

    3. Meditation: Recognizing Your Emotions by MindfulPeace (12 Min)

    1. Drop Distraction - Trusting our Inner Self

    2. Restorative Practice: Rain Theme Music Appreciation

    3. Worksheet: Sources of My Distraction

    1. A is for Acceptance

    2. Drop Resistance

    3. Worksheet: Accepting My Emotions

    1. Benefits of Acceptance & To Be Kinder to Yourself

    2. Self-Compassion when "Helping Hurts"

    3. Worksheets: Feel It, Don't Fear It

    1. I is for Interest

    2. Willingness to Question: Three Grounding Exercises

    3. Worksheet: Tracking Your Insights

About this course

  • Free
  • 32 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Find the confidence to say
"I can deal with this"

How often have you told yourself, “I just can’t cope” or “I just don’t have the strength to deal with this” or similar versions of a self-doubting declaration? It’s crucial to achieving peace of mind for you to have the self-confidence that says, “I can deal with it. I just need to lean on my coping skills.” If you’re not sure whether you have those skills or where to find them, the RAIN technique will help you either develop them or pull them out of hiding.
  • Emotional Intelligence

    Harness the ability to recognize what’s going on, allow your emotions to be present, investigate your feelings with kindness, and embrace your state of mind with compassionate awareness.

  • Coping Skills

    Unlock a wealth of coping skills through meditations, guided exercises, worksheets, and art appreciation as you work through RAIN: Recognition, Acceptance, Investigation, and Non-Identification.

  • Resiliency

    Discover a new kind of self-love that will give you the courage to face all of the heavy emotions that are drowning your spirit. Find the power to embrace these dark times and discover your inner strength.

Designed with
YOU in Mind

Working in any healing or caretaking profession requires a fortitude of compassion and when our well runs dry we need coping mechanisms. RAIN DROP is one coping framework that can lead you through the steps to identify your depletion and take those first steps to be in a position to start refilling/refueling so that you can return to your passions of assisting others.