Embrace the Emotional Storms with RAIN
Do you find yourself overwhelmed with uncontrollable emotions at times? Navigate the storms with our RAIN DROP framework and empower yourself with emotional intelligence in this 10-day challenge.
Welcome to the challenge!
A Video Tutorial on How to Use Thinkific
Printable: A Quick Guide to RAIN-DROP
R is for Recognition
Why name and understand your emotions and feelings?
Meditation: Recognizing Your Emotions by MindfulPeace (12 Min)
Drop Distraction - Trusting our Inner Self
Restorative Practice: Rain Theme Music Appreciation
Worksheet: Sources of My Distraction
A is for Acceptance
Drop Resistance
Worksheet: Accepting My Emotions
Benefits of Acceptance & To Be Kinder to Yourself
Self-Compassion when "Helping Hurts"
Worksheets: Feel It, Don't Fear It
I is for Interest
Willingness to Question: Three Grounding Exercises
Worksheet: Tracking Your Insights