RAIN DROP - A Coping Framework
When fatigued, burnt-out, overwhelmed, Just let the RAIN … DROP. Learn about this coping framework as it applies to humans who are wired for community service and how to leverage for yourself.
Learning Pathway
How to Navigate this Online Course
R.A.I.N D.R.O.P. Acronym
Compassion Fatigue and Coping
Withstanding Life's Storms - A Christian Perspective
My Rain Story
Taking the First Step
Restorative Practice: Rain Theme Art Appreciation
Meditation: Peaceful River
Introduction to Recognition
Drop Distraction - Trusting our Inner Self (removing Self-Judgement)
Thought Exercise: The Sources of Your Distraction
Self-Compassion when "Helping Hurts"
The Transformative Power of Radical Compassion
Meditation: Giving And Receiving Care (6 Min)
Thought Exercise: What is really happening?
Introduction to Acceptance
Drop Resistance
Benefits of Acceptance and Ways To Be Kinder To Yourself
Reflections: Accepting my Emotions
Reflection: A Guided Worksheet to Help You Process Your Painful Emotions
Mediation: Take A Moment for Acceptance (5 Minutes)
Affirmations: I Accept My Emotions and Allow Them to Serve Their Purpose
Introduction to Interest
Drop Obliviousness
Nurture the Child Within eBook
Willingness to Question: Three Grounding Exercises
Meditation: Fresh Insight
H2 Reflection Worksheet - Tracking Your Insights
Introduction to Non-Identification
Drop Personification - Common Errors in Thinking
Step Away from the Emotion
H2 Reflection Worksheet - Clarifying Emotions
The Four Noble Truths - A Buddhist Perspective
"N" aka Nurture
Affirmations: I Stand Strong in the Storm
R.A.I.N. Meditation with Tara Brach (8.5 min)